Air Pollution in the Southern San Joaquin

The basic data are ARB measurements of multiple pollutants over time at about 10 monitoring stations in the Southern San Joaquin. Data are rather sparse, because some stations are only on line for short periods, others provide measurements over 20 years. And some monitoring stations only look at a few pollutants, while others measure many more. We will try imputation techniques to estimate missing information, use filtering and interpolation techniques, and look at other space-time methods that have been used in the literature.


Meteorological Data from National Climate Data Center

The information found in this system is derived from the NCDC station history archives as well as:

  • international call signs from the National Weather Service (NWS)
  • cities from the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
  • State/County Automated Flood Warning System links from the National Weather Service (NWS)
  • station narratives and ASOS/NEXRAD station information from other NCDC files

Meteorological Data from the UC Integrated Pest Management Program

This weather database stores current and past weather data for approximately 400 weather stations throughout California. Daily values are available for all stations, and in addition, stations in the PestCast weather networks supply hourly or sub-hourly data.

California EPA Air Resources Board (ARB) Air Quality Data

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) gathers air quality data for the State of California, ensures the quality of this data, designs and implements air models, and sets ambient air quality standards for the state. ARB compiles the state’s emissions inventory and performs air quality and emissions inventory special studies.

The Air Quality Data page provides access to ambient air quality data, maps of areas that violate the national and state air quality standards, and maps of the ambient air quality monitoring network.

The ARB uses the Emissions Inventory and Air Quality Models to evaluate air quality and reduce emissions in each of the 35 local air districts.

CARB Air Quality and Meteorological Information System

The Air Quality and Meteorological Information System (AQMIS) is a web-based source for real-time (and historical)
air quality and meteorological data. It is used by various groups such as state and local officials and the public to track air quality.
It is also used for smoke management and air pollution forecasting. The real-time data are so new that they have not
undergone a rigorous QA process at the time of release and hence the real-time data are considered preliminary.
Further information and details about AQMIS can be found by clicking on the links below.


