The Center for Environmental Statistics (CES) analyzes and models data sets describing traffic counts, trip generation, urban economics, water supply, water quality, weather, seismicity, wild fires, and air quality of locations mostly in Southern California. In addition, we work with researchers from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on analyzing remote sensing data collected from space.
The emphasis will be on studying and mapping spatial and temporal variation in the various indicators.
The Center specializes in:
- Analyzing and modeling large space-time geostatistical data sets, in which multiple monitoring stations collect multiple measurements at multiple time points.
- Analyzing and modeling multivariate marked point process data, in which random events, described by multiple measurements, occur in space and time.
- Using geographical informations system (GIS) software to make maps of space-time events in informative ways.
- Developing and studying open source software for GIS and spatial statistics, with emphasis on GRASS and R.
- Contributing analysis and expertise to environmental impact reports required under the California Environmental Quality Act.
- Teaching environmental statistics at both the graduate and upper division undergraduate levels.